Recommended environment

To ensure safe and comfortable use of this website, we recommend the following environment.

Please be aware that even within the environment range below, some display problems may occur or various functions may not be available depending on the combination of your browser (including beta versions, preview versions, add-ons, etc.) and OS.

When accessing from a PC


  • Microsoft Edge latest version
  • Google Chrome latest version
  • Firefox latest version


  • Safari latest version

You can check your browser version by going to "Help" – "About"

  • Browsers other than the above (Opera etc.) may not display some services properly

When accessing from a smartphone / tablet (Android / iOS)


  • Android 10 or above, Google Chrome latest version


  • iOS16 or above, Safari latest version

Downloading the recommended browsers

Install the browser suitable for your environment by following the instructions on the official pages below if necessary.


If you experience display or operation problems despite using the recommended viewing environment, please contact us using the inquiry form below.