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Boshu uchiwa fans Boshu uchiwa
- Other crafts
- Chiba
Boshu uchiwa is a type of fan made in the areas around the cities of Tateyama and Minamiboso in Chiba prefecture. This is one of Japan’s big three uchiwa types, with the other two being Marugame (Kagawa prefecture) and Kyo uchiwa (Kyoto prefecture…
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Nibutani carved wooden tray Nibutani ita
- Wood, bamboo crafts
- Hokkaido
Nibutani Carved Wooden Trays (called Nibutani ita in Japanese) are produced in Biratori, Hokkaido. The origin of the town name, is an Ainu language word for cliff, pirauturu. This craft is known for its patterns like a spiral pattern called moreun…
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Nibutani bark cloth Nibutani attoushi
- Woven textiles
- Hokkaido
Nibutani Bark Cloth (called Nibutani-attushi in Japanese) is a bark fiber fabric produced in the region surrounding the the town of Biratori, Hokkaido. The term Nibutani originates from niputai which is an Ainu (indigenous people of north Japan) l…
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Chiba Artisan Tools Chiba Koshogu
- Metal works
- Chiba
Chiba Artisan Tools are cutlery and hand tools made in the Boso Peninsula of Chiba prefecture, using traditional techniques. Their main products are sickles, hoes, knives and western style scissors. As iron sand was mined in the Boso Peninsula fr…
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