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Shodai ware Shodai yaki
- Ceramic
- Kumamoto
Shodai ware (called Shodai yaki in Japanese) is a form of pottery baked mainly in the northern part of Kumamoto prefecture. This craft is distinguishable because of its simple texture, strong form, and bold design, which is due to the pouring meth…
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Yamaga lanterns Yamaga toro
- Other crafts
- Kumamoto
Yamaga toro are lanterns made of washi (traditional Japanese paper) produced in the area surrounding the city of Yamaga, Kumamoto prefecture. For the Yamaga Lantern Festival, an annual summer event, this craft is worn by one thousand dancing women…
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Amakusa ceramics Amakusa tojiki
- Ceramic
- Kumamoto
Amakusa ware (called Amakusa Tojiki in Japanese) is a form of pottery or porcelain baked in the Amakusa region of Kumamoto prefecture. The name was newly applied when the craft was designated as a national traditional craft. In Amakusa, where high…
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Nibutani carved wooden tray Nibutani ita
- Wood, bamboo crafts
- Hokkaido
Nibutani Carved Wooden Trays (called Nibutani ita in Japanese) are produced in Biratori, Hokkaido. The origin of the town name, is an Ainu language word for cliff, pirauturu. This craft is known for its patterns like a spiral pattern called moreun…
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Nibutani bark cloth Nibutani attoushi
- Woven textiles
- Hokkaido
Nibutani Bark Cloth (called Nibutani-attushi in Japanese) is a bark fiber fabric produced in the region surrounding the the town of Biratori, Hokkaido. The term Nibutani originates from niputai which is an Ainu (indigenous people of north Japan) l…
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Higo inlays Higo zogan
- Metal works
- Kumamoto
Higo Zogan is inlaid metal work produced in Kumamoto, Kumamoto prefecture. This craft was formerly used to adorn the gun barrels or sword guards of samurai. Today, however, the skills are used to make personal accessories or interior ornaments. Th…
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